Pre-requisite: You need to have JDK and Burp installed on your system.
Create a working directory called “burp_extension” and create the source file “” in the same directory. Here, in this example, the source file would contain both the above classes.
Create a directory called “burp” inside the directory “burp_extension” and copy the interface source code files i.e., IBurpExtenderCallbacks, IMenuItemHandler ,etc., provided by Burp. Your extension will look for these files in that path.
Also, make sure your “” file has this line to import burp package :-
Import burp.*;
Now, compile the file using javac and create a jar file out of both the class files generated by compilation.
D:\burp_extension>”C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\bin\javac.exe”
D:\burp_extension>”C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\bin\jar.exe” -cf burpextender.jar BurpExtender.class extendedMenuItem.class
Now, burpextender.jar has been generated in your working directory. Copy the burpsuite jar file into the same working directory and run it using this command:-
D:\burp_extension>java -Xmx512m -classpath burpextender.jar;burpsuite_pro_v1.4.04.jar burp.StartBurp
Create a working directory called “burp_extension” and create the source file “” in the same directory. Here, in this example, the source file would contain both the above classes.
Create a directory called “burp” inside the directory “burp_extension” and copy the interface source code files i.e., IBurpExtenderCallbacks, IMenuItemHandler ,etc., provided by Burp. Your extension will look for these files in that path.
Also, make sure your “” file has this line to import burp package :-
Import burp.*;
Now, compile the file using javac and create a jar file out of both the class files generated by compilation.
D:\burp_extension>”C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\bin\javac.exe”
D:\burp_extension>”C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\bin\jar.exe” -cf burpextender.jar BurpExtender.class extendedMenuItem.class
Now, burpextender.jar has been generated in your working directory. Copy the burpsuite jar file into the same working directory and run it using this command:-
D:\burp_extension>java -Xmx512m -classpath burpextender.jar;burpsuite_pro_v1.4.04.jar burp.StartBurp