
PHP Source Code Chunks of Insanity (Post Pages) Part 3


This post is going to talk about source code reviewing PHP and demonstrate how a relatively small chunk of code can cause you lots of problems.

The Code

In this article we are going to analyze the code displayed below. The code displayed below might seem innocent for some , but obviously is not. We are going to assume that is used by some web site to post the user comments securely.
<?php require_once 'common.php'; validateMySession(); ?> <html> <head> <title>User Posts</title> </head> <body> <h1>Showing current posts</h1> <form action='awsomePosts.php'>
<p>MySearch: <input type='text'  value='<?php if (isset($_GET['search'])) echo htmlentities($_GET['search'])?>'></p> <p><input type='submit' value='MySearch'></p>
</form> <?php showAwsomePosts();?> </body>
If you look carefully the code you will se that the code is vulnerable to the following issue: Stored XSS!!
Think this is not accurate , think better.

The Stored XSS

An adversary would need to have very good knowledge of encoding/XSS attacks to exploit this vulnerability. This vulnerability is based on a well known UTF-­‐7 encoding attack that is considered to be old. Other filter bypassing techniques can be used to bypass htmlentities such as JavaScript events.

Vulnerable Code: 
1:  <p>MySearch: <input type='text' value='<?php if (isset($_GET['search'])) echo htmlentities($_GET['search'])?>'></p>// Vulnerable to XSS UTF-­‐7 attack  
The page that the potential XSS resides on doesn't provide a page charset header (e.g. header('Content-­‐ Type: text/html; charset=UTF-­‐8'); or <HEAD><META HTTP-­‐EQUIV="CONTENT-­‐TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-­‐8">), any browser that is set to UTF-­‐7 encoding can be exploited with the following XSS input (she don't need the charset statement if the user's browser is set to auto-­‐ detect and there is no overriding content-­‐types on the page in Internet Explorer and Netscape rendering engine mode). This does not work in any modern browser without changing the encoding type.

Example1 UTF-­‐7 Encoding

Input Payload :

1:  <script>alert(1)</script>  

Output (UTF-­‐7): 
1:  +ADw-­‐script+AD4-­‐alert('XSS')+ADw-­‐/script+AD4APA-­‐/vulnerable+AD4-­‐  

Example2 JavaScript Events

Injecting also JavaScript events to the htmlentities function of php will also by pass the filter.

The code before injection:     
1<p>MySearch: <input type='text' value='<?php if (isset($_GET['search'])) echo htmlentities($_GET['search'])?>'></p>  

The code after injection:
<p>MySearch: <input type='text' value='onerror='alert(String.fromCharCode(88, 83, 83))'></p>  

Note: This example needs further testing to see if it is applicable.

Remedial Code:

Provide Server Side filters for the vulnerability. Make use of regular expressions and html encode the variables whether displayed back to the user or not.

1st Layer of defense 
1:  //XSS filter the value because this value might be printed later on back in the user. if preg_match ("/[a-­‐zA-­‐Z]+/", "", $search){  
2:  showPosts();  
3:  }  
Note: Using regular expressions to replace parts of the input and proceed with further processing the input is not recommended, once a malicious input is identified should be rejected (e.g. using preg_match instead of preg_replace).

2nd Layer of defense 
1:  header('Content-­‐Type: text/html; charset=UTF-­‐8');  
2:  // This function will convert both double and single quotes. mb_convert_encoding($search, 'UTF-­‐8');  

Countermeasures Summarized
  1. Specify charset clearly (HTTP header is recommended)
  2. Don't place the text attacker can control before <meta>
  3. Specify recognizable charset name by browser.
  4. Apply regular expressions based on the white list mentality.
Note: mb_convert_encoding converts the character encoding of the input string to the desired encoding. 


1. https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_Filter_Evasion_Cheat_Sheet#UTF-­‐7_encoding 
2. http://php.net/manual/en/function.mb-­‐convert-­‐encoding.php
3. http://shiflett.org/blog/2005/dec/google-­‐xss-­‐example
4. http://www.motobit.com/util/charset-­‐codepage-­‐conversion.asp
5. http://openmya.hacker.jp/hasegawa/security/utf7cs.html 
6. http://wiremask.eu/?p=tutorials&id=10