
Solidity Smart Contract Upgradeability


This article is going to focus on Smart Contract upgradability, why this important and how can we achieve it. When dealing with Smart Contracts we need to be able to upgrade our system code. This is because if security critical bugs appear , we should be able to remediate the bugs. We would also want to enhance the code and add more features. Smart Contract upgradability is not as simple as upgrading a normal software due to the blockchain immutability.
As already mentioned by design, smart contracts are immutable. On the other hand, software quality heavily depends on the ability to upgrade and patch source code in order to produce iterative releases. Even though blockchain based software profits significantly from the technology’s immutability, still a certain degree of mutability is needed for bug fixing and potential product improvements.

Preparing for Upgrades   

In order to properly do the upgrade we should be focusing in the following aspects of the project:
  • Have money management strategies in place
  • Create a pause functionality 
  • Have paths to upgrades
    • Switching addresses
    • Switching Oracles
    • Proxy contracts 

The mentioned functionality is mandatory in order to properly maintain and do risk management on your system. The money management strategy has to do with were and how we hold the funds and the system data. The switch address is related to the proxy contract and the rest have to do with the flow paths we designed to upgrade the smart contracts [1]. 

Proxy Contract

The basic idea is using a proxy for upgrades. The first contract is a simple wrapper or "proxy" which users interact with directly and is in charge of forwarding transactions to and from the second contract, which contains the logic. The key concept to understand is that the logic contract can be replaced while the proxy, or the access point is never changed. Both contracts are still immutable in the sense that their code cannot be changed, but the logic contract can simply be swapped by another contract. The wrapper can thus point to a different logic implementation and in doing so, the software is "upgraded"

Note: This abstract proxy contract provides a fallback function that delegates all calls to another contract using the EVM instruction delegatecall. We refer to the second contract as the implementation behind the proxy, and it has to be specified by overriding the virtual _implementation function. Additionally, delegation to the implementation can be triggered manually through the _fallback function, or to a different contract through the _delegate function. 

The most immediate problem that proxies need to solve is how the proxy exposes the entire interface of the logic contract without requiring a one to one mapping of the entire logic contract’s interface. That would be difficult to maintain, prone to errors, and would make the interface itself not upgradeable. Hence, a dynamic forwarding mechanism is required [1].

Proxy Setup

Below we can see that the contract proxy has one to one relationship with all the logic contract proxy. An this is important in order to understand that this setup kind of breaks the immutability of the blockchain.



Ethereum Smart Contract Source Code Review


As Crypto currency technologies are becoming more and more prevalent, as the time is passing by, and banks will soon start adopting them. Ethereum blockchain and other complex blockchain programs are relatively new and highly experimental. Therefore, we should expect constant changes in the security landscape, as new bugs and security risks are discovered, and new best practices are developed [1].This article is going to discuss how to perform a source code review in Ethereum Smart Contracts (SCs) and what to look for. More specifically we are going to focus in specific keywords and how to analyse them. 

The points analysed are going to be:
  • User supplied input filtering, when interacting directly with SC
  • Interfacing with external SCs
  • Interfacing with DApp applications
  • SC formal verification
  • Wallet authentication in DApp

SC Programming Mindset

When designing an SC ecosystem (a group of SCs, constitutes an ecosystem) is it wise to have some specific concepts and security design principles in mind. SC programming requires a different engineering mindset than we may be used to. The cost of failure can be high, and change can be difficult, making it in some ways more similar to hardware programming or financial services programming than web or mobile development. 

When programming SCs we should be able to:
  • Design carefully roll outs
  • Keep contracts simple and modular
  • Be fully aware of blockchain properties
  • Prepare for failure

Key Security Concepts For SCs Systems

More specifically it is mandatory and the responsible thing to  is to take into consideration the following areas:
  • SC ecosystem monitoring e.g. monitor for unusual transactions etc.
  • SC ecosystem governance/admin e.g. by using proxy SC that follow best practices etc.
  • SC formal verification of all the SCs interacting with
  • SC modular/clean coding e.g. use comments and modular code etc. 
  • SC ecosystem code auditing by an external independent 3rd party
  • SC ecosystem system penetration testing by an external independent 3rd party  
Note: At this point we should point out that it is important that DApp smart contract interaction should also be reviewed.

SCs User Input Validation

Make sure you apply user input validation on a DApp and SC level. Remember that on-chain data are public and an adversary can interact with a SC directly, by simply visiting an Ethereum explorer in etherscan.io, the following screenshots demonstrate that.

Below we can see an example of a deployed contract:

Simple by clicking in the SC link we can interact with the contract:

Note:  Above we can see the upgrade function call and various other Admin functions. Of course is not that easy to interact with them.

It is also known that etherscan.io provides some experimental features to decompile the SC code:

 If we click the decompile code we get this screen below:

Below we can see how a DApp or wallet can interact with a SC:

There are five categories of Ethereum wallets that can interact with DApps:
  • Browser built-in (e.g. Opera, Brave etc)
  • Browser extension (e.g. MetaMask )
  • Mobile wallets (e.g. Trust, Walleth, Pillar etc.)
  • Account-based web wallets (e.g. Fortmatic, 3box etc.)
  • Hardware wallets (e.g. Ledger, Trezor etc.)
Then there is a larger category of wallets that cannot integrate with DApps include generic wallet apps that lack the functionality to integrate with smart contracts. Different wallets have a different user experience to connect. For example, with MetaMask you get a Connect pop up. With mobile wallets, you scan a QR code. So phishing attacks take a different for e.g. an attacker can spoof a QR code, through online free QR generators etc. When assessing a DApp the architecture is of paramount importance. A user with a Metamask plugin can use it to connect to the DApp. The DApp automatically will associate the interaction with the user public key to run various tasks. 

For a Web based DApp we can use traditional filtering methods. But for SCs using Solidity we can use assert and require are as convenience functions that check for conditions (e.g. a user supplies input and the mentioned functions check if the conditions are met). In cases when conditions are not met, they throw exceptions, that we help us handle the errors.

These are the cases when Solidity creates assert-type of exceptions when we [3]:
  • Invoke Solidity assert with an argument, showing false.
  • Invoke a zero-initialized variable of an internal function type.
  • Convert a large or negative value to enum.
  • We divide or modulo by zero.
  • We access an array in an index that is too big or negative.
The require Solidity function guarantees validity of conditions that cannot be detected before execution. It checks inputs, contract state variables and return values from calls to external contracts.

In the following cases, Solidity triggers a require-type of exception when [3]:
  • We call require with arguments that result in false.
  • A function called through a message does not end properly.
  • We create a contract with new keyword and the process does not end properly.
  • We target a codeless contract with an external function.
  • We contract gets Ether through a public getter function.
  • We .transfer() ends in failure.
Generally speaking when handling complex user input and run mathematical calculations it is mandatory to use external libraries from 3rd partyaudited code. A code project to look into would be SafeMath from OpenZeppelin. SafeMath is a wrapper over Solidity’s arithmetic operations with added overflow checks. Arithmetic operations in Solidity wrap on overflow. This can easily result in bugs, because programmers usually assume that an overflow raises an error, which is the standard behavior in high level programming languages. SafeMath restores this intuition by reverting the transaction when an operation overflows.

SC External Calls

Calls to untrusted 3rd party Smart Contracts can introduce several security issues. External calls may execute malicious code in that contract or any other contract that it depends upon. As such, every external call should be treated as a potential security risk.  Solidity's call function is a low-level interface for sending a message to an SC. It returns false if the subcall encounters an exception, otherwise it returns true. There is no notion of a legal call, if it compiles, it's valid Solidity.

Especially when the return value of a message call is not checked, execution will resume even if the called contract throws an exception. If the call fails accidentally or an attacker forces the call to fail, this may cause unexpected behavior in the subsequent program logic. Always make sure to handle the possibility that the call will fail by checking the return value of that function [4].

Reentrancy (Recursive Call Attack)

One of the major risks of calling external contracts is that they can take over the control flow. In the reentrancy attack (a.k.a. recursive call attack) calling external contracts can take over the control flow, and make changes to your data that the calling function wasn’t expecting. A reentrancy attack occurs when the attacker drains funds from the target contract by recursively calling the target’s withdraw function [4].

Below we can see a schematic representation:

Note: For more information on this type of attack please see [4]

SC Denial of Service Attacks

Each block has an upper bound on the amount of gas that can be spent, and thus the amount computation that can be done. This is the Block Gas Limit. If the gas spent exceeds this limit, the transaction will fail. 

This leads to a couple possible Denial of Service vectors:
  • Gas Limit DoS on a Contract via Unbounded Operations
  • Gas Limit DoS on the Network via Block Stuffing
Note: For more information on DoS attacks see consensys.github.io

Use Of Delegatecall/Callcode and Libraries

According the Solidity docs [7], there exists a special variant of a message call, named delegatecall which is identical to a message call apart from the fact that the code at the target address is executed in the context of the calling contract and msg.sender and msg.value do not change their values.

This means that a contract can dynamically load code from a different address at runtime. Storage, current address and balance still refer to the calling contract, only the code is taken from the called address. This makes it possible to implement the “library” feature in Solidity: Reusable library code that can be applied to a contract’s storage, e.g. in order to implement a complex data structure.

Improper security use of this function was the cause for the Parity Multisig Wallet hack in 2017. This function is very useful for granting our contract the ability to make calls on other contracts, as if that code were a part of our own contract. However, using delegatecall() causes all public functions from the called contract to be callable by anyone. Because this behavior was not recognized when Parity built its own custom libraries. 


Writing secure smart code is a lot of work and can be very complex.



Elusive Thoughts celebrates 9 years of blogging about hacking

 Elusive Thoughts celebrates 9 years of blogging about hacking 

Elusive Thoughts just created its first non-fungible token (NFT), a digital file whose unique identity and ownership are verified on a blockchain (a digital ledger). 

There is a hidden secret in my NFT, please find it.

Buy my NFT at rarible.com



Threat Modeling Smart Contract Applications


Ethereum Smart Contracts and other complex blockchain programs are new, promising and highly experimental. Therefore, we should expect constant changes in the security landscape, as new bugs and security risks are discovered, and new best practices are developed [1]. 

This article is going to focus on threat modeling of smart contract applications. Threat modelling is a process by which threats, such as absence of appropriate safeguards, can be identified, enumerated, and mitigation can be prioritized accordingly. The purpose of threat model is to provide contract applications defenders with a systematic analysis of what controls or defenses need to be included, given the nature of the system, the probable attacker's profile, the most likely attack vectors, and the assets most desired by an attacker. 

Smart contract programming requires a different engineering mindset than we may be used to. The cost of failure can be high, and change can be difficult, making it in some ways more similar to hardware programming or financial services programming than web or mobile development. 


At this point we should make clear that besides threat modeling, or as part of the threat modeling process, formal verification should also be mandatory. Formal verification is the act of proving or disproving the correctness of intended algorithms underlying a system with respect to a certain formal specification or property, using formal methods of mathematics. In a few words is crucial for the code to do what is supposed to do [2].

A very good project example, as far as formal verification is concerned is the Cardano cryptocurrency technology. Cardano is developing a technology using a provably correct security model that it provides a guaranteed limit of adversarial power [3]. Also Cardano is using Haskell as a programming language, which is a language that facilitates formal verification.


In order to continue analyzing the information from the Smart Contract ecosystem will define what are assets in the context of this Smart Contract Applications. 

Assets are:
  • The Smart Contract function we require to protect. 
  • The Smart Contract data we require to protect.


This section is going to focus on the threat actors of the smart contract applications. A threat actor or malicious actor is a person or entity responsible for an event or incident that impacts, the safety or security of smart contract applications. In the context if this article, the term is used to describe individuals and groups that perform malicious acts. 

More specifically we are going to reference the following actors:
  • Nation State Actor with unlimited resources 
  • Organized Crime Actor with significant resources 
  • Insiders Actor with extensive knowledge of the system 
  • Hacktivists Actor with ideology as a motive and limited resources
  • Script Kiddies with limited knowledge of the technology and very few resources
  • Others Actors, such as accidental attacks
Note: From a threat intelligence perspective, threat actors are often categorized as either unintentional or intentional and either external or internal. Also threat agents should be primarily based on access e.g. external or internal actors etc. The likelihood of the threat is closely related to the attacker motive e.g. Nation state attacker has high level of motivation and Script Kiddies low level of motivation and therefor low likelihood. 


In this section we are going to discuss the threat actors that are related only to Smart Contract Applications. Each technology has its own peculiarities, and blockhain technologies have their own. 

The actors that are related to Smart Contracts are two types:
  • Malicious Smart Contracts 
  • Humans interacting with Smart Contracts through DApps or directly.
Smart contracts can call functions of other contracts and are even able create and deploy other contracts (e.g. issuing coins). There are several use-cases for this behavior. 

A few use cases of interacting with other contracts are described below:
  • Use contracts as data stores
  • Use other contracts as libraries
In the context of this article an Actor interacting with a Smart Contract outside the blockchain is en external Actor and an Actor interacting with a smart contract inside the blockchain is an internal Actor. 


The following is a list of known attacks which we should be aware of, and defend against when writing smart contracts [4]. 
  • Reentrancy
    • Reentrancy on a Single Function
    • Cross-function Reentrancy
  • Timestamp Dependence
  • Integer Overflow and Underflow
  • DoS with (Unexpected) revert
  • DoS with Block Gas Limit
  • Gas Limit DoS on the Network via Block Stuffing
  • Insufficient gas griefing
  • Forcibly Sending Ether to a Contract
We are not going to explain each attack here. For more information please see the link [4].


This section is going to focus the attack trees of the contract applications. Attack Trees provide a formal, methodical way of describing the security of systems, based on varying attacks. A tree structure is used represent attacks against a system, with the goal as the root node and different ways of achieving that goal as leaf nodes. 

The attack attributes assist in associating risk with an attack. An Attack Tree can include special knowledge or equipment that is needed, the time required to complete a step, and the physical and legal risks assumed by the attacker. The values in the Attack Tree could also be operational or development expenses. An Attack Tree supports design and requirement decisions. If an attack costs the perpetrator more than the benefit, that attack will most likely not occur. However, if there are easy attacks that may result in benefit, then those need a defense.

Below we can see a typical client browser attack tree:


The relationships between the work products of a security engineering process can be hard to understand, even for persons with a strong technical background but little knowledge of security engineering. Market forces are driving software practitioners who are not security specialists to develop software that requires security features. When these practitioners develop software solutions without appropriate security-specific processes and models, they sometimes fail to produce effective solutions. Same thing happens with Smart Contract development, that is why abuse case diagrams should be used to model the security requirements of Smart Contract applications.

We will define an abuse case as a specification of a type of complete interaction between a system and one or more actors, where the results of the interaction are harmful to the system, one of the actors, or one of the stakeholders in the system.

Below we can see a simple use case diagram:

Below we can see a simple abuse case diagram with an external actor:

In the diagram above an external bad actor is manipulating the login function externally. This is a typical client browser attack e.g. the DApp application has an stored XSS and the attacker install a fake login page or the DApp does not handle correctly users private key etc. 

Below we can see another  simple abuse case diagram with an external actor:

Again in the diagram above an external bad actor is manipulating the the approve function externally. This is a typical client browser attack e.g. the DApp application has CSRF and the attacker exploits the vulnerability through a phishing attack etc. 

Below we can see a simple abuse case diagram with an internal actor:

Again in the diagram above an internal bad actor, this time, is manipulating the the approve function internally. This is an attack conducted internally from a malicious contract e.g. running a Reentrancy attack using the callback function e.t.c.


Before releasing any Smart Contract system make sure the system is pen-tested and the code is reviewed and there is in place a formal verification of the contract.

For code reviews make sure to:
  • Use a consistent code style
  • Avoid leaving commented code
  • Avoid unused code and unnecessary inheritance 
  • Use a fixed version of the Solidity compiler 
  • Analysis of GAS usage 
For pen-test make sure to:
  • Run a normal Web App pen-test for the web component of the DApp
  • Check how the DApp is interacting with the Smart Contract
Logical flow to follow would be:


Below there is a list of tools we can utilize to test our Smart Contract system:
  • Mythril :- Mythril is a security analysis tool for EVM bytecode. It detects security vulnerabilities in smart contracts built for Ethereum, Hedera, Quorum, Vechain, Roostock, Tron and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
  • Solhint :- Solhint is an open source project for linting Solidity code. This project provides both Security and Style Guide validations.


Get Rich Or Die Trying


This article is going to focus on "Programmable Money Overflow Attacks" on Ethereum and this is the way hackers can become rich and famous. More specifically we are going to discuss the batchOverflow attack. The batchOverflow Bug was identified in multiple ERC20 Smart Contracts [3] (CVE-2018–10299), back in 2018, when Ethereum was relatively new. [1]  

The batchOverflow attack is a typical integer overflow attack in the batchTransfer function of a smart contract implementation for the Beauty Ecosystem Coin (BEC). The BEC was an Ethereum ERC20 compliant token that allowed attackers to accomplish an unauthorized increase of digital assets by providing two _receivers arguments in conjunction with a large _value argument, as exploited in the wild in April 2018 [2]. But before we move into replicating the attack, it is better if we explain a few Blockchain properties.

The Code Is Law Principle  

The "code is law principle" is the principle that no one has the right to censor the execution of code on the ETH blockchain. In layman's terms this means that as soon as a smart contract is deployed on the ETH blockchain, then the code cannot change. One of the main defining properties of Ethereum Smart Contracts is that their code is immutable. Blockchain immutability means that all the engaging parties agree to the terms or “code” of the Smart Contract, that code can’t be changed by any party unilaterally [4]. And this is the main reason a Smart Contract gets trustworthy.

Well that is not exactly true, a contract, can be a) destroyed or get b) upgraded. Which essentially means that the code:
  • In the first scenario will stop functioning, but wont get deleted (because a blockchain is immutable)
  • In the second scenario the smart contract will get:
    • Upgraded and modify their code, while not preserving their address, state, and balance.
    • Upgraded and modify their code, while preserving their address, state, and balance, by using special tools (e.g. by using tools such as OpenZeppelin Upgrades Plugins, or proxy smart contracts) [7].
Below we can see an Ethereum blockchain [6]:

When the contract is destroyed the state root of the block account is zeroed. Each block has a "state root" which contains accounts. With a Self-destruct function the opcode triggered is used to zero out the block account of the smart contract. The Bitcoin ledger is based on recording transactions and the Ethereum blockchain is based on managing account balances. Why am I giving you all this information? Well, to put it simple, to explain that deleting or upgrading a Smart Contract is not an easy job. And guess what, in order to install a security patch to a smart contract we need either to destroy the old smart contract and create a new one or upgrade the current smart contract. This essentially means that Smart Contract governance is important. In the early stages of the cryptocurrency space, such governance was not something that was carefully designed.

The Money Overflow

Below we can see some vulnerable code for explaining the actual vulnerability. In the following code we are replicating the behavior and the insufficient user input validation code. 

pragma solidity ^0.4.10;

contract TheOverflow {
    mapping (address => uint) contractBalances;
    function contribute() payable { 
        contractBalances[msg.sender] = msg.value;
    function getBalance() constant returns (uint) {
        return contractBalances[msg.sender]; 
    function batchTransfer(address[] _receivers, uint _value) { 
    // This is the infamous batchTransfer vulnerable function
    // Overflow line, that caused the hack
        uint totalReceivers = _receivers.length * _value;
        require(contractBalances[msg.sender] >= totalReceivers); // Here is the user input validation
        contractBalances[msg.sender] = contractBalances[msg.sender] -totalReceivers;
        for(uint counter=0; counter< _receivers.length; counter++) { // Here is the function loop
            contractBalances[_receivers[counter]] = contractBalances[_receivers[counter]] + _value;

The ways the batchTransfer function works is that it accepts as input the receivers addresses and the value to transfer e.g., it will get as an input a list with three or more addresses, along with the value of the ETH to transfer. Then it will get the number of the receivers and check against each receiver the balance e.g. see if the address that withdraws ETH has enough.

The vulnerable function batchTransfer shown in the code above: 
  1. The variable _value accepts the amount to be transferred as a user input (declared as 256 bits integer).
  2. The variable _value was overflowed with zeros and got zeroed out.
  3. When the variable _value is zeroed out the require checks got bypassed.
  4. The require check then became - 0>=0, which is a true condition.

What Is An ERC20 Token And Why Is Relevant

ERC-20 has emerged as a Smart Contract de-facto technical standard; it is used for all Smart Contracts on the Ethereum blockchain for token implementation and provides a list of rules that all Ethereum-based tokens must follow [9]. This means that in order for a token to run on the Ethereum, it has to implement certain functionality, or more specifically an interface. 

As of October 2019, more than 200,000 ERC-20-compatible tokens exist on Ethereum's main network. The ERC-20 defines a common list of rules that all Ethereum tokens must adhere to. Some of these rules include how the tokens can be transferred, how transactions are approved, how users can access data about a token, and the total supply of tokens [9]. Consequently, this particular token empowers developers of all types to accurately predict how new tokens will function within the larger Ethereum system. The same applies also for attackers, a hacker understands that all ERC20 tokens, must implement certain functionality, in order to interface with the Ethereum blockchain. But the implementation details of these functions is going to be handled by the developer, not the standard.  

 How Did exchanges React To The Hack?

Due to lack of coordination between Centralized Exchanges (CEX) and Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) no immediate response took place. This resulted into hacking attacks taking place for a long period of time, even when the hack does not go unnoticed. An extra layer of security must be added that monitors the Smart Contract behavior and takes action accordingly. For example in our attack scenario the suspicious transaction should have been blocked due to excessive withdraw of funds. 

The Impact

The bug was discovered 04/22/2018. The weakness was released 04/23/2018 (Website). The advisory is shared at dasp.co. This vulnerability is uniquely identified as CVE-2018-10299 since 04/22/2018. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. No form of authentication is needed for exploitation. It demands that the victim is doing some kind of user interaction. Technical details are known, but no exploit is available. The price for an exploit might be around USD $5k-$25k at the moment (estimation calculated on 01/30/2020) [8].
